AntiSpammers and the Savior Syndrome

Editorial by Dave Hayes

Any of you who are familiar with the seemingly tireless game of spam/anti-spam will notice that the most rabid anti-spammers are people who exhibit the following traits:

  1. Marked need to control others
  2. Vehement desire to be taken seriously
  3. Fanatical insistence on their own honesty and integrity
  4. Inability to consider other points of view as valid

What's going on here? Well, I call it the Savior Syndrome.

Start with the control freak

Anyone who has observed human beings for a while has noticed that the most out-of-control humans are the ones that attempt to control and dominate others. These people somehow know that they need to control someone, or they wouldn't be so controlling. Unfortunately, they've picked the wrong focus. Instead of trying to control themselves, they flip and try to control everyone else.

It's easy to make this mistake. However, while this may make them feel more effective, the original problem still remains (namely, the fact that they are still out-of-control). So the need to control (to fix the problem) doesn't go away, and may in fact increase...persistant problems continuing to exist for longer and longer periods of time tend to increase the need to fix the problem.

So a failure to diagnose the real problem, leads to an ever-increasing spiral of control, which produces a person commonly referred to as a "control freak". You know such a person by watching their reaction to your actions. If you do something they do not like (by whatever arbitrary standard), they not only let you know loudly, they attempt to prevent you from doing it in anyway they can. The more futile this attempt is, the harder they try. Eventually they will stop at nothing to "get you to stop". Amazing, isn't it?

Add a dose of delusion

Now consider any desire to be thought of in a certain way, whether that be "serious", "honest", "trustworthy", "honorable", or the like. Why does this exist?

First off, the appearence of nobility is held in a higher regard than actual nobility. As an example, it's not important that you are honest, it's more important that you appear honest (to most out there). The aware person knows that real honesty is only a tool, and only important in the sense that it is possessed and used for its intended purpose by that someone. Regardless of this, there still exists this desire for others to perceive one as "honest". (The same goes for "honor", "integrity", and "seriousness")

Notice that such a desire has difficulty existing in someone who realizes the futility of controlling others. Others will think you are this, or that, or the other, and to the enlightened individual this is all irrelavent. Changing thoughts that are not your own is next to impossible, and certainly not worth the effort.

But take our control freak above. This person thinks that they can control other people, and to them they can extend this logically to controlling other people's thoughts. Therefore, they manifest a desire for others to think of them in a certain way, and heaven help the person who disagrees with their self-estimation. I note that the most fanatical reactions are had by daring to imply (even in a subtle manner) that the self-estimation is in error.

In fact, one can go so far as to say that someone who is defending their "good qualities" all the time is perhaps lacking the same. True honesty, integrity, and honor are without need of defense. If you perceive these qualities in someone else, this has nothing to do with whether they are actually in someone else.

So our control freak, wanting to have others perceive them as having "good qualities" (which they think helps them control others), begins to think of themselves as "good". It's a delusion, to be sure, but one that isn't easily escaped from.

Finish with a religious mindset

Finally, add to this an inability to consider other points of view as valid. Human history is full of scenes where a group of people took some random arbitrary standard (e.g. "God Exists and has chosen us"), and used it to justify all sorts of henious and dishonorable crimes. The arbitrary standard "Spam is Bad" is no different. This standard gives the deluded control freak license to commit any action in the name of the holy standard.

Remember, the deluded control freak thinks that they should control others, and also deludes themselves with their "saintliness". Such a person only needs a Righteous Word to use to justify their actions to themselves and others, and the control frenzy begins. Like sharks feeding on blood, let no one oppose the Righteous Word or suffer being torn to bits in an orgy of controlling actions.

And there you have a "Savior"

You can think of the control freak portion as "means", the delusion as "motive", and the religious mindset as "opportunity". Suddenly, we have a human who has a bad case of the Savior Syndrome. This person will stop at nothing to "Fight the Good Fight", and "Save The World" from the "Evil Menace".

It's sad, really. Some of these people would otherwise grow and progress spiritually, if it weren't for this syndrome in the way. Once in a state like this, it literally takes an Act of God to inform the Savior that his or her "benevolent swordplay" is not needed.

At this point, you might be saying "Horrors! What can we do about these Saviors?".

Be careful. Are you sure you want to "Save" the "Savior"? Remember that you can't control another.

I'd recommend completely ignoring them, even if they are beating down your door. If you can't ignore them, be polite but firm, explaining to them why you aren't participating in their jihad. In extreme cases, you may actually have to act. In all cases, keep your ego out of it, and you'll do fine.

Remember, "Saving" people from "Saviors" runs the risk of becoming a casualty of the Savior Syndrome yourself. And then they have someone to fight against. This helps neither you nor them. Think about it.

And watch out for those Saviors!

Dave Hayes
Editorial Copyright (c) 1998, Dave Hayes. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is done only by your dishonor.